Resources for Study of Sacred Text

About Sarah Blake LaRose

Sarah Blake LaRose teaches Biblical Hebrew and Greek at Anderson University School of Theology and Christian Ministry in Anderson, Indiana. She is one of three blind academic scholars who received the Jacob Bolotin Award from the National Federation of the Blind in 2016 in recognition of innovative work in the field of access to biblical language texts and tools for people who are blind. In addition to her work as a professor, she provides braille transcription services specializing in ancient languages. Her research interests concern the intersection of disability, poverty, and biblical studies.

At Night-Light, we believe that sacred text should be accessible to everyone. Material should be in a format that people can read, and instruction should be provided in a manner which everyone can benefit from. People who have diverse learning needs should not be denied the opportunity to study text or background materials in the original biblical languages. At Night-Light, we educate about options for accessible study of biblical languages for people who are blind. We also advocate for the education of students with other diverse learning needs.

We are also happy to wwork with church groups to locate curricular materials in accessible formats, to talk with you about inclusive ministry in Bible classes, etc. If your faith-based group is non-Christian, we are happy to assist you in connecting with advocates who have knowledge of your practices and who can assist you best.

If we can assist you with advocacy or with locating resources, please send an email.

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